an ai-powered analyst chatbot

A first of its kind tool built to accelerate the discovery of valuable insights within healthcare data by simply asking a question.

See CertHLM in Action

How it Works

No more digging through data and dashboards.
Turn your data into action faster.


  • CertHLM uses the enriched healthcare data and predictive
    analytic outputs from Certilytics Healthcare Data & Prediction Platform.
  • Integrated with our solutions, it is a “chat bot UI” that allows
    you to ask a question and get answers about the predictive
    insights within your data.
  • The answers to your questions are delivered directly in the
    chat bot with links to the data and dashboards that hold more
    in-depth insights.

Schedule a Demo of CertHLM

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Schedule CertHLM

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Certilytics News & Insights

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Texas-based MCO Adopts Predictive Risk Stratification Strategies


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AI Built for Healthcare

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Georgia-based Digital Health Company Uses AI-Driven Insights, Shifts to Person-Centered Care

Speed up your time to action by using CertHLM, an AI-powered Analyst Chatbot.

Schedule a 15-minute introduction call, 30-minute overview of our solutions or a 90-minute demo